the cat

Projects Santander personal


Marzo 2019 - Junio 2020


UX/UI Designer

Santander Personal is an omnichannel platform for the bank's high-income clients. It's a web platform for the bank's internal users and as a section in the mobile application for end users.

As its name indicates, it's a special section within the application that only premium Santander customers have access to. In this exclusive part of the application, select clients receive personalized attention to contract financial services digitally, without the need to go to a bank branch. Internally at the bank, it's an administrative platform that allows staff to track all financial product contracts, keep a record of each movement, and directly assign each client to an agent who will be available for continued support.

I worked on this project from start to finish, from the initial kick-off, research, definition, and design to platform testing. However, for privacy reasons, I am unable to provide more details about the project.

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