the cat

Projects Santander


Marzo 2019 - Junio 2020


UX/UI Designer

Santander App is the application of Santander Bank, which offers banking services such as transfers, investments, credit card payments and management, payment for financial services, among others.

I worked on different features and flows within the application. However, I was directly responsible for 3 specific features:card payments, service payments, and investments.

Staying consistent with the guidelines and the previously defined design system, I worked on the credit card payment flows: own and third parties, registration, cancellation; services payments such as registration of services (electricity, internet, and telephone) and domiciliation of services; and the investment flow where users can choose the type of investment they want, as well as details such as the term and amount. I also worked on testing the components of the design system (in code).

For privacy reasons, I am unable to provide more details about this project.

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